NEA Task 12 : Research Into Film Magazine Contents Pages

Sight and Sound Contents Page (June 2022)
  • The contents page is a single page
  • layout in boxes and columns, reflecting a movie plan with timeline and different subsections with terminology associated with cinema.
  • The first section shows the contents of the magazine, followed by reviews and contributions
  • Inside the magazine is sections for the current state of the cinema world with critics decision's on cinema, the process of making a movie, Celtic cinema, director talks, movie analysis', historical things related to cinema that happened in previous June years, as well as reviews of all new media content no matter format.
  • The Typography shows a capitalised, bold, sans serif font for the headings, subheadings and numbers, however a sans serif font is used for the text. The black type stands out from the plain white background. The size of the text changes depending on the importance of the information being displayed.
  • The only images used in the contents page are head shots of the contributors.
  • The page numbers are displayed first in each section but does not detail the exact page a story will be on, the contents page also does not have a page number.

Sight and Sound Contents Page (March 2023)
  • The contents page is a single page
  • layout in boxes and columns, reflecting a movie plan with timeline and different subsections with terminology associated with cinema.
  • The first section shows the contents of the magazine, followed by reviews and contributions
  • Inside the magazine is sections for the triumph of "Aftersun", Tributes and insights into cinema and literature, discussions with influential people on common movie tropes, movie stars thoughts on the world and issues they have with it, discussions of the ending of movies like "sitting target", historical things related to cinema that happened in previous March years, as well as reviews of all new media content no matter format.
  • The Typography shows a capitalised, bold, sans serif font for the headings, subheadings and numbers, however a sans serif font is used for the text. The black type stands out from the plain white background. The size of the text changes depending on the importance of the information being displayed.
  • The only images used in the contents page are head shots of the contributors.
  • The page numbers are displayed first in each section but does not detail the exact page a story will be on, the contents page also does not have a page number.

Little White Lies Contents Page (July/August 2022)

  • The contents page for little white lies takes up one of a two page art piece which links in to the front cover in some form
  • The layout of the magazine has the issue number at the top of the page, followed by the heading "featured contents", underneath each individual section of the issue laid out in order as they appear in the magazine with the page number above each section.
  • Featured sections in this issue are "lead review: Pink flamingos", "The Gospel According to St John", " The Little Blockbuster That Could" and others.
  • The content within the magazine often revolves around the main focus of the issue in this case Pink Flamingos with several main sections discussing individual aspects of the movie, however there are also some separate topics focusing on the cinema world in general.
  • The font used often contrasts the background of the contents page. Headings and subheadings are in a bold, sans serif font. Whilst page numbers and information about the sections are in a serif font with smaller size.
  • There are no images used in this, other than the art work that spans the two pages.
  • The contents page itself does not hold a page number, however the page numbers are displayed above the sub-headings for the sections

Little White Lies Contents Page (Nov/Dec 2022)
  • The contents page for little white lies takes up one of a two page art piece which links in to the front cover in some form
  • The layout of the magazine has the issue number at the top of the page, followed by the heading "featured contents", underneath each individual section of the issue laid out in order as they appear in the magazine with the page number above each section.
  • Featured sections in this issue are "lead review: Glass Onion: a Knives Out Story", "Blanc Check", "To Kill For Love is Such a Thrill" and others.
  • The content within the magazine often revolves around the main focus of the issue in this case with Glass Onion with several main sections discussing individual aspects of the movie, however there are also some separate topics focusing on the cinema world in general.
  • The font used often contrasts the background of the contents page. Headings and subheadings are in a bold, sans serif font. Whilst page numbers and information about the sections are in a serif font with smaller size.
  • There are no images used in this, other than the art work that spans the two pages.
  • The contents page itself does not hold a page number, however the page numbers are displayed above the sub-headings for the sections

Film Stories November 2022
  • The contents page for Film Stories is a two page spread.
  • The layout shows 3 columns on the credits pages, with the credits; followed by a larger middle column with the main articles in the magazine; and the third column showing all other articles in the magazine.
  • The contents page shows sections of the magazine like the credits featuring the writers and "important people" and "less important people"; main articles which have photos accompanying them, like " Daniel Radcliffe is Weird" and "Anything But Amateurs"; and the main contents section features articles such as "fashion in film" and "news and interviews".
  • The content within the magazine features the latest movie news as well as articles talking about previous movies and the art of movie making.
  • The typography shows headings in the same font as the magazine title, a capitalised, bold, sans-serif to maintain continuity throughout the magazine. Headings and the background of page numbers are in a box which matches the colour scheme on the front cover of the issue. The main text in the contents page is in a black, smaller sans serif font.
  • Images are used to highlight the main stories within the issue, and intrigue readers into researching these topics by reading the magazine.
  • Page numbers are used for the contents page, as well as larger individual boxes for each article within the magazine.

Film Stories March 2023
  • The contents page for Film Stories is a two page spread.
  • The layout shows 3 columns on the credits pages, with the credits; followed by a larger middle column with the main articles in the magazine; and the third column showing all other articles in the magazine.
  • The contents page shows sections of the magazine like the credits featuring the writers and "important people" and "less important people"; main articles which have photos accompanying them, like "changing tunes" and "Trumbull's space odyssey"; and the main contents section features articles such as "fashion in film" and "news reports".
  • The content within the magazine features the latest movie news as well as articles talking about previous movies and the art of movie making.
  • The typography shows headings in the same font as the magazine title, a capitalised, bold, sans-serif to maintain continuity throughout the magazine. Headings and the background of page numbers are in a box which matches the colour scheme on the front cover of the issue. The main text in the contents page is in a black, smaller sans serif font.
  • Images are used to highlight the main stories within the issue, and intrigue readers into researching these topics by reading the magazine.
  • Page numbers are used for the contents page, as well as larger individual boxes for each article within the magazine.

NEA Task 8 : Research Into Existing Film Magazines For A Media Literate Audience

 The three magazines mentioned in Sams' profile were Film Stories, Sight and Sound, and Little White Lies. 

Film Stories

  • Published by themselves as they are independent.
  • A new issue is released every month
  • A subscription to Film Stories costs £22.99
  • covers often feature famous people within the cinema world like directors or actors, and look like this.

  • Film stories also has a website that can be visited here

Sight and Sound
  • Sight and Sound are published by the British Film Institute (BFI)
  • A new issue of Sight and Sound is released every month
  • The price of an annual subscription to Sight and Sound is £50
  • Sight and Sound typically features important people in the world of cinema on their front cover

  • The website for Sight and Sound magazine can be reached here under the domain of the BFI's website,

Little White Lies
  • Published by TCOLondon
  • The magazine is bi-monthly, a new issue every two weeks
  • A single issue of Little White Lies cost £12, and an annual subscription costs £38
  • The front cover often features an individual or character currently popular in the film world with details such as illustrations around the image.

  • The magazine also has its own website seen here

NEA Task 7 : My Target Audience

 Why is target audience important to Bauer?

Target audience is important to Bauer as it helps the company focus on one particular section of the market. This allows them to specialise their content for those people and charge higher prices as the content is more niche. By segmenting the market into specific sections and not just creating one magazine that covers all interests, Bauer can keep consumers repeatedly purchasing their magazine as at least one of their magazines will have content the consumer is interested in.

What is a media literate audience?

A media literate audience is an audience that can understand and decode media content, no matter the medium. A media literate audience is often filled with individuals who are prosumers, producing and consuming content. A media literate audience will interpret all potential view points and meanings behind a text, whilst gaining knowledge becoming smarter consumers of products and information.

Target Audience Profile

Sam may be in the Sixth Form studying A Levels and preparations for university. If Sam is already at university they are likely to be studying at a Russell Group university and following a course that is recognised as being traditionally academic. If Sam is employed they may be at the start of their career and, therefore, not at the height of their earning potential yet.

Sam’s family background will have added significant cultural capital to their experiences. Sam will have been brought up in a household where there has been a clear focus on the importance of education and the opportunities that this can bring. Sam will have experienced holidays both in this country and abroad and their knowledge of other cultures will have been enhanced by this.

Sam is knowledgeable about current affairs but doesn’t access news via traditional channels such as newspapers or television. Sam would not dream of reading the red top or middle-market tabloids. If Sam had to, they may flick through The Guardian or i. 

To keep updated on what is happening in the world Sam, like most others of their age, relies more heavily on their social media feeds. Social media is important to Sam but it doesn’t dominate their life. They are more likely to use Instagram and Tik Tok than Facebook and will be as interested in consuming as they are in producing content. Sam likes to be seen as slightly different to the average 16-25 year old and has an active interest in learning about the world around them. Sam is interested in reality television programmes such as Love Island but is likely to see it as escapist fun rather than a guide to how they should live their life.

Sam will make use of online sources such as Huffington Post, a site that features content from more than 100,000 bloggers (from politicians, students and celebrities to academics, parents and policy experts) who contribute in real-time on the subjects they are passionate about. 

Sam is interested in all aspects of culture. They are interested in reading and are likely to always have at least one book by their bedside. Sam is more likely to read fiction than non-fiction and is able to hold a conversation regarding what they like and dislike in a narrative. Sam will enjoy music but doesn’t follow the crowd. Sam is interested in new music and takes pleasure in listening to artists that their friends may not have heard of yet. Sam is likely to be interested in attending festivals alongside friends. 

Sam will take an active interest in film and is just as likely to stream content as visit the cinema. Sam enjoys watching Hollywood blockbusters but is just as likely to seek out the latest independent film. Sam is interested in all aspects of film-making and not just the end product and, because of this, is more likely to read film magazines such as Sight and SoundLittle White Lies and Film Stories than more mainstream magazines such as Empire and Total Film.

Sam has some disposable income but is still conscious of the need to save. Fashion is important but  they are not a sheep who follows the same trends as everyone else. Sam will be seen by their friends as a trend setter and not a follower of fashion.

Sam is interested in issues that affect young people of the same age. These would include climate concerns and the impact of human beings on the environment.

NEA Task 6 : Understanding Audience (Mass Market)

What is a mass market audience?

A mass market, often referred to as an undifferentiated market, is a sizable collection of present and/or potential clients who all have similar wants.

What is an independent cinema?

An independent cinema is a cinema not owned by a large corporation or franchise, and often features more lesser known movies or indie films.

What is OnScreen magazine?

Onscreen Magazine is an independent film magazine distributed free of charge to independent cinemas around the country free of charge. The magazine is bi-monthly, giving the latest cinema news produced and distributed from Bristol.

What different sections are there on the OnScreen website and how do these sections appeal to a mass market audience?

The on screen website's homepage features several hyperlinks to different sections. These all help to appeal to a mass market as the cost of the magazine does not intimidate people at the cinema from picking up the copy, the news section allows for hobbyists or people passionate about movies. The wide range of genres available and featured makes the magazine appealing to a mass market.

How does the latest edition of OnScreen magazine (May/June 2023) appeal to a mass market audience?

The latest edition of Onscreen shows the latest movies featuring in franchised cinemas as well as some of the smaller movies lesser known to the public. The wide range of movies discussed allows for a mass market appeal with throwbakcs for the older generation with the new indiana Jones movie; as well as the newer Spiderman Into The Spiderverse series for teens; Barbie for those interested in the Barbie franchise; and Openheimer for more serious movie go-ers. This information helps reach the mass market and influence their decisions on cinema, what they should watch and where they should go.

What is meant by the term cross-media convergence?

cross media convergence is when multiple goods or services combine to create one product with all of the advantages of the individual products.

Is there any cross-media convergence* between the magazine and its website? 

yes there is cross media convergence between the magazine and its online website. The magazine is featured as a free pdf and can be accessed on the website, as well as this the magazine calls the viewer to visit the website to enter the competitions shown in the magazine.

NEA Task 4 : Research Into An Existing Bauer Film Magazine (Empire)

 Bauer recently acquired the popular film magazine "Empire". Bauer now produce a media pack for the magazine for potential advertisers to look at to see the target audience and other key information about the magazine.

According to the page titled "The Mission", Empire is more than just a print magazine as it has a podcast (with 51,000 weekly downloads), website (for the newest movie news) and digital edition (with unique animations and enhancements). Through these methods Empire speaks to the largest amount of film fans across the world. Empire work very hands  on within the film industry working with actors and directors to create premium content for all of there platforms. working with key figures in film allows the magazine to show a unique insight to the industry, which is why their readership continually return for more content.

The following page details Empire's reader demographics. In a unique infographic the page shows how the magazine's ABC profile is 68%, the average reader is 40 years old, and 77% of readers are in employment. As well as this the page also states that the readership is three quater's male, and aged 18-40, employed, in a relationship, university educated and time poor. The magazine details its readers as influential and in love with the world of film and cinematography as it's a hobby or means as an escape into other worlds. The magazine can be accessed on any device at any time to ensure that no reader is left without the information they desire.

Page 3 is titled simply as "The Magazine", showing a range of Empire covers and content with 4 of the magazines unique selling points. 

1. Exclusives- Empire are known for having firsts in the film and entertainment world, by creating unique projects such as a voice responsive talking cover for Deadpool 2 or a steven spielberg takeover.

2. On set- Empire visits movies whilst in production claiming the visits to be like no other, as they have a great standing within the industry allowing them unique access like in the filming of "Captain Marvel".

3. A list access- The magazine has had many interviews and features with A list actors that they boast it would be faster to list the A-listers they haven't interviewed.

4. Authority- Empire acts as an authoritative figure in the science fiction world answering well debated questions like "How many infinity stones are there?" and "how big is a Tatooine Womp Rat?"

Empires target readership is different to the set brief for the magazine i will be producing. My magazine will have a readership of people aged 16-25 in part time or casual employment and most likely still in education.

NEA Task 3 : Research into the UK Magazine Industry

 Since even before the pandemic, circulation and revenue from print magazines had fallen. The total circulation of consumer magazines in 2006 was 1.6 billion, which fell to 455.1 million in 2020, a decrease of 73%. However, the circulation rates of print magazines are predicted to grow by 0.5 to 1% annually until 2006. This Decrease in circulation rates has subsequently resulted in a decrease in revenue from print magazines where in January of 2023 it was reported that the revenue from print media was £216.9 million.  

However, print is not the only way magazine content can be consumed. In 2020 revenue from digital media surpassed that of print magazines at £265 million. Almost two thirds (63%) of adults in the uk consume media from magazines in a digital form, with this percentage set to grow rapidly with advancements in technology and interactive media that co insides with magazines, such as videos and podcasts. 

The magazine industry is heavily dominated by the news industry with 57% of all subscriptions being to news magazines; followed by 18% in women's; 8% in Tv listings; 17% In other areas such as sport’s, motoring, leisure and home. However, this large proportion of news magazines is most likely due to the amount of consumer magazine titles being shut down, with the worst affected being men’s magazines with a decrease of 89%, a fall from 32.2million in 2017 to 3.6million in 2021, whilst the circulation of music fell by 90% to 1.8million. 

Whilst the decrease in circulation and titles is prevalent advertising still brings in a large income to the magazine industry with £560.4million in ad spend, in 2022. With the largest spenders being Apple, Victoria Plum, Chanel and Sainsburys. This is most likely because of the trust magazine readers have in their magazines, with 72% of readers saying that reading a magazine is time well spent, and 91% trust what they read. 

NEA Task 2 : Research into Bauer


Bauer Media Group- 

Founded in Hamburg in 1875, Bauer Media Group is a multimedia conglomerate that has produced media content for the last 140 years through the five generations of the Bauer family. According to their website they are “Europe's leading digital commercial radio broadcaster and audio operator”. The group operates worldwide with a workforce of 16,000 in 13 different countries helping with the production of 600 magazines, 400 digital products and 50 radio and TV stations as well as print shops, postal and marketing services. They supply media content for all ages and cultures. 

On their website, Bauer states the purpose of their company is “Bauer Media Group is on a transformation journey, and much work has been done on articulating out the role we want to play, as a company, in this fast-changing world: who we are, what impact we want to have, and what we stand for. We call this our Purpose, and in a nutshell, it is about enriching everyday life.” 

Bauer’s website also states that their “two high-performance printing plants (in Ciechanow and Wyktoty, Poland) are among the most modern in Europe. Both produce over 80 regular magazines that are sold across the continent” including the UK. Because of this, at least one in three magazines sold in the UK will be a Bauer title with 40 magazine brands, and 153 million copies being sold annually. 

Some of their most well known titles in the UK include- 

  • Empire (Film magazine)
  • KISS (radio station)
  • Total Tv Guide (Tv Guide)
  • Take A Break (women's magazine)
  • Magic (25+ radio station)
  • Puzzles (Magazine puzzles printed larger than normal)
  • Grazia (weekly women's magazine)
  • Cosmopolitan (monthly fashion and entertainment magazine)

Completed NEA

  Dear Moderator,  My name is Ethan . Welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for the Makin...