The three magazines mentioned in Sams' profile were Film Stories, Sight and Sound, and Little White Lies.
Film Stories
- Published by themselves as they are independent.
- A new issue is released every month
- A subscription to Film Stories costs £22.99
- covers often feature famous people within the cinema world like directors or actors, and look like this.
- Film stories also has a website that can be visited here
Sight and Sound
- Sight and Sound are published by the British Film Institute (BFI)
- A new issue of Sight and Sound is released every month
- The price of an annual subscription to Sight and Sound is £50
- Sight and Sound typically features important people in the world of cinema on their front cover
- The website for Sight and Sound magazine can be reached here under the domain of the BFI's website,
Little White Lies
- Published by TCOLondon
- The magazine is bi-monthly, a new issue every two weeks
- A single issue of Little White Lies cost £12, and an annual subscription costs £38
- The front cover often features an individual or character currently popular in the film world with details such as illustrations around the image.
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